Sunday, January 31, 2010

once every decade...

it finally, actually happened
not the light dusting we get a couple times a year...
a real SNOW! inches of it!
and we had so much fun
I had forgotten how amazing snow smells
and how quiet the world becomes
you can almost hear each flake land
and afterwards... for the first time in my parenting history
I got to put those cozy wool booties on freezing little feet!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

introducing my big boy....

this is my big boy
he was getting tired of having hair in his eyes
and telling people that he is a boy
so today we finally gave him a hair cut
not the little trims we've been playing at the last year either
we all mourned for a few minutes
even big brother
then we all laughed
it's just so cute
he's officially no longer our baby
yeah, right...

Friday, January 22, 2010

this is what I did today

besides the usual and five loads of laundry
and baking egg rolls with the kids
(yes, coach is on a healthy kick... I'm trying to cooperate but I promise egg rolls are just better fried!)
it was hard and it hurt
some people were more help than others
I think if I do one section a day it will take about a week
then we can paint
I can't promise that it will look better
but the fruit will be gone
good riddance!

whistle while you work...

the kids are really into cleaning these days
I sit mystified and watch them as they move from room to room
who knows the reason behind this fetish?
the novelty? I wish I could say they are just imitating something they see often!
so I grabbed a few items from the dollar bin last time I shopped
they are in housekeeping heaven!
I hope this lasts...

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

poor weather friends

funny... it gets warm and I can no longer find the time to be on the computer
i guess we're just a cold weather blog
it has been beautiful
most of us were barefoot and shirtless again
we worked outside all day
the yard is mostly picked up
it's a little surprise for coach who has been out of town all last week
"working" really hard tasting new wines in santa barbara
he'll be home soon though
we're all excited
so until it gets cold again...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

it's my birthday

in the past few years, since I turned 30, I found that even a very depressing winter birthday
can become a beautiful thing

lots of wintry foliage, caramel cake, dinner cooked by the cutest chefs and even the surprising appearance of snow made my special day bright and lively this year...

and tonight? a real dinner out with my favorite people and maybe a jaunt to the discoteca?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

resolutions 10

go to bed earlier

exercise everyday

keep my plants alive

spend an hour a day with each kid

I'm still trying to work this one out...