New eyes awaken.
I send Love's name into the world with wings
And songs grow up around me like a jungle.
Choirs of all creatures sing the tunes
Your Spirit played in Eden.
Welcome to our newest cousin.
We are so glad to make your acquaintance,

keeping all of those things in mind we made them a eco-friendly, gender neutral, transportable changing station!
it includes newborn essentials like a clean onsie, my favortie aiden and anis gauze blanket, alcohol swabs for the umbilical cord, vaseline and q-tips (in the unlikely event that they have a boy), organic nursing pads and bamboo burp cloth, pba free pacifier and cute clip, unbleached, biodegradable diapers and wipes, a fun wipes travel case in a japanese frog print, reclaimed wool baby bonnet, twig print changing pad, sencha and a few crunchy granola bar type snacks, etc.
the kids and I had so much fun putting everything together
they helped choose prints and snacks and practiced putting everything on their dolls
our hope is that she will just be able to stick it on a shelf somewhere and feel like she has everything she need for the first little while
here it is half full