Sunday, May 23, 2010

To market, to market to buy...

pints, and quarts and gallons of them
many stained fingers and lips
time with granna
and a mermaid balloon

Friday, May 21, 2010

my guy

you just have to love a boy in cowboy boots!
(yes, I did make him put on his "underwears" before I took this shot)
this stage where they live in their costumes is one of my favorites
look at that face. he believes that he is tough
"Mom, I am not Henry. I am a guy!"

Friday, May 14, 2010

if you met her face to face you would never think that she is shy
everything she does is very emphatic and full of charisma
there is never any mystery to what goes on with Bea
for instance, today she came to me with a radiant look on her face
"God just talked to me!" she exclaimed
"really? what did he say?"
"my nose itched so I scratched it..
and then God told me to remember, 'don't pick your nose!'"
but until now, when she got in front of a crowd she froze
we couldn't help but wonder how could this be the same child
was there something we were missing?
so imagine our relief when at her program this morning she sang her little heart out
she also waved at everyone she knew about five times
that is the girl we know!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Most Special Things About Mama:

Henry - play race cars with Mama and cake, like to go bathroom with Mama
Bea - I love Mama. I like to sleep with her in the middle. I like to play with her. I love to go on dates with her with no boys and sometimes I like to go on errands. I love to sit by her while we eat.
Gus - Mama is so nice. I love mama. I like to go watch movies with Mom.
Papa - Mama gives us her time, energy and love. She is the first one we turn to when we are hurt or afraid.
I love you dear. You are a wonderful mother. Thank you for giving yourself so freely to us all.
Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Scarlett Eirawen

it was an unusually warm day in may when you were born
we had all partied for cinco de mayo the night before
your mom was so ready to hold you in her arms
I drove her because your daddy was out on a really long bike ride
he showed up just in time for your grand entrance though
and what an entrance it was
we told the nurses it was going to be quick
your mama had been through that before
she barely made it for your sister's birth
then there you were
it was so quick your head wasn't even squished
a head with more hair than you brother and sister
they didn't even have time to call the midwife
the nurse caught you as you slid out
your brother and sister were playing with bubbles when your dad called to tell them you were here
a pink wiggling baby girl!
you are beautiful
I am so glad that I was able to witness your birth
and I can't wait to get to know you...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Getting Around St. George's

never before on vacation have we had such a wide variety of transportation available to us
it has definitely been one of the highlights of this trip
our favorite mode? the mule! our very own 4wd golf cart
the kids take turns being the "driver"
my least favorite? the kayak! it kills my back
still there is nothing that compares to being out on the water

a two year-old's view of vacation

St. George's Island 2010 
by Henry