that was the case today when my daughter decided to empty my linen closet yesterday
well not "empty" more like.. no it was "empty"
she wanted "baby blankets" for her dolls
and I told her she could use them
little did I know that she would climb up onto the shelves in the closet
and root around until she found all the little girl blankets,
knock all the other blankets down when she pulled them out
and walk over them several times carrying hers back and forth
I had little choice but to take the rest of the things out and start from scratch
in the process I once again came across a set of beautiful virgin white towels
the coach and I were given these towels for our wedding
we have yet to use these towels
I just can't stand the thought of grubby little hands getting a hold of them
every so often I will take them out and contemplate putting them into circulation
then I quickly put them back in their drawers
and we continue using the old ones
often I am upset when I find my family members using our beach towels
most likely it's my fault for hiding the nice ones, not turning over laundry often enough
and leaving an unorganized closet
now there will be no excuses
the closet looks quite presentable
and tomorrow go and buy a set of towels that are navy or some such color
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