Saturday, December 20, 2008
Only in December...
Annual Christukkahnza Party
Why we keep having this Annual Christukkahnza Party...
1. to pass on our love of good food!
(Charissa's yule log)
2. because they still believe in santa
(and don't realize that it's their papa under that suit)!
3. to share stories and traditions!
(Ella reading to us about the festival of lights)
5. to pass on our love of good food(did I already mention that?)!
6. because we can always use more handmade ornaments!
(cute four years old who can write their own names)
7. to play games!
(spin the... dreidel)
8. to pass on our love of good food (noticing a theme here?)!
9. because every mom needs a picture like this (poor baby also didn't realize it was his papa under that suit)!
10. look at this group... that's reason enough for me!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Helmet Head
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
bon voyage
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Having a Ball?
Her First Ballet
in her white dress looking a lot like Clara herself
see that sweet face waiting for the performance to begin
she assured me that she wasn't scared at all
but Judah, her imaginary friend, was a little worried about the mice
her grandparents surprised her by showing up from out of town to attend
I know my mother couldn't bear to miss it
amazingly I sat in the same auditorium twenty-nine years ago to watch my first ballet
I do not have a lot of childhood memories that I share with my kids
her big brother surprised us by coming along and even wearing a tie
he's seen it four times now yet sat on the edge of his seat for two hours once again
that boy does have a theatrical flair
B sat on my lap as still as she could, which wasn't very still,
and although I couldn't see her face I could tell she was entranced
I watched the back of her head for two hours
but it's such a cute little head I can't say that i minded one little bit
I've seen The Nutcracker before
how many times now...
p.s. when we got home the baby wanted to know where his "cracker" was????
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Chainsaw Tree Massacre
every year we trot off to find "the perfect tree"
the coach and I try to decide whether or not our tree will fit in the living room
I like ones that are really big
(well, we never had a big one growing up...
except for that one that we planted in the yard
my parents were going to use it again the next year
unfortunately it was too tall the next year
I think it's still living in that tiny yard of ours in Japan)
so the coach uses a hand saw to take it down
this takes a long time...
I usually hold two cold babies and wonder if we should have just gone to Lowes
not this year
his dad decided to bring the chainsaw
we found the tree then out came the saw
the boys were mesmerized
maybe it was over a little too quickly though
so we visited the animals in the barn, loaded up and headed home
the other highlight of the trip? riding in pop's truck
no, they did not ride home back there
yes, we do live in the south but there are some limits!
we had to saw another foot off the tree at home
Coach had been right again
it was too tall...
Mini Minnie Mouse
among which is pulling off the best children's birthday parties
the theme this year for her two year old daughter?
her favorite character - Minnie Mouse!
some of the highlights
That's my baby!
It's time for the baby to move on to a big boy bed
so I snuck in right as he was waking up and snapped a shot of him in the crib
he opened his eyes, gazed up at me and I expected him to howl in protest
instead he flashed a huge grin and said "cheese"
is there anything sweeter than the face of a baby who has just woken up?
maybe their warm little necks and stinky drool breath?
he was just so cute!
I could not stop taking pictures
but he was out of cheeses
but he is still such a baby and when I really think about it why am I in such a rush
does he really need to be in that big boy bed?
and please don't remind him that he spent the first year of his life sleeping in a room with pink wall paper because someday I'll figure out how to change the background on those photos
he never has to know...
Monday, December 1, 2008
Art is not about art.
we've been watching it rain all morning
Mama wanted to get out of the house
Coach decided it was day for the art museum
bundled up we headed out
I didn't look at a single piece
the kids were the art I wanted to see
it was our first trip with all three in tow
the baby scurried around
B asked questions, questions, questions
boy, she wears me out!
sweet Coach, he buffered and answered
then there was my little sketcher...
wandering around, copying this portrait, drawing that sculpture
can it be that he too was once a little scurrying baby
and an all to eager three year old?
at the end of an hour his sketch book was full
moving on to the hot chocolate at a nearby cafe - it was snowing!!!!
unheard of for our small corner of the world
global warming? ha!
maybe it will be a white Christmas?