every year we trot off to find "the perfect tree"
the coach and I try to decide whether or not our tree will fit in the living room
I like ones that are really big
(well, we never had a big one growing up...
except for that one that we planted in the yard
my parents were going to use it again the next year
unfortunately it was too tall the next year
I think it's still living in that tiny yard of ours in Japan)
so the coach uses a hand saw to take it down
this takes a long time...
I usually hold two cold babies and wonder if we should have just gone to Lowes
not this year
his dad decided to bring the chainsaw
we found the tree then out came the saw
the boys were mesmerized
maybe it was over a little too quickly though
so we visited the animals in the barn, loaded up and headed home
the other highlight of the trip? riding in pop's truck
no, they did not ride home back there
yes, we do live in the south but there are some limits!
we had to saw another foot off the tree at home
Coach had been right again
it was too tall...
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