Sunday, December 7, 2008

That's my baby!

It's time for the baby to move on to a big boy bed
so I snuck in right as he was waking up and snapped a shot of him in the crib
he opened his eyes, gazed up at me and I expected him to howl in protest

instead he flashed a huge grin and said "cheese"
is there anything sweeter than the face of a baby who has just woken up?
maybe their warm little necks and stinky drool breath?

he was just so cute!
I could not stop taking pictures
but he was out of cheeseslook at how long he has gotten
but he is still such a baby and when I really think about it why am I in such a rush

does he really need to be in that big boy bed?

and please don't remind him that he spent the first year of his life sleeping in a room with pink wall paper because someday I'll figure out how to change the background on those photos
he never has to know...

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