Friday, January 30, 2009

worth it?

I could not get out of bed this morning
I have a cold and just felt aweful
After croaking at coach to take over I had a nice little lay in
I'm sure he came in to tell me he was leaving
but I wasn't very concious
yes I was feeling that bad
so I said yes to B getting the baby his breakfast
later on in the day she mentioned something about spilling cheerios
"what?" I asked, then my greatest fear, "you didn't step on them did you?"
"yeah, I did. Henry showed me how!" as if she had never done that on her own!!!
so we cleaned up
I'm feeling better now
I guess it was worth a little more rest?
and I know that we will be finding "Os" in strange places for a very long time

Monday, January 26, 2009


tonight while your beautiful heads rested on their pillows
a great lady went to heaven
I wish I could tell you many things about her
I didn't know her that long either though
I do know that she was one of your Papa's favorite people
she was like his mom when he was younger
he even chose to live with her when he was in high school
mainly, I think, because she was a great cook
Granny packed wonderful lunches when he went to school
and even though it was just the two of them she cooked like their were ten at the table
she made fried chicken for thanksgiving and always had fresh coffee waiting
when you were little babies she would hold you and say,
"come here and let Granny spoil you... "
and did she ever - ice cream, cookies, mints
you were allowed to play with all her china figurines in her house
your favorite were the little dogs
another thing she did all the time was iron
she even ironed your papa's underwear!!!
Granny was such a special lady, B, that we named you after her
your cousin Chanler is named after her too
you know that little pink bible that you carry around everywhere
she gave that to you when you were born
there are a lot of people who are sad tonight
they all knew and loved her and will miss her
and you will probably be sad when you see your favorite people crying tomorrow
but that is how we were created
this life is only a small taste of what is to come
I'm so glad your smart papa took you to kiss her goodbye a few days ago
and we will see her again someday
wouldn't it be funny ask her about ironing papa's underpants?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

hungry boy

My sweet third child,
I am so sorry that you are always hungry
I see you sitting at the table with the others
your plate is empty at the end of the meal
where is all of your food going?
for minutes after you are excused I find you scrounging again
today you found your brother's left over lunch
and yes, you were eating it!
I promise to pay more attention to your diet
you're just so capable of feeding yourself
using a fork and knife is nothing... you've nearly mastered your chopsticks!
I love you my baby
and will sit next to you at every meal from now on and be your personal eating assistant

Thursday, January 22, 2009

another birthday gift

My new painting from Carylon Killebrew
This photo doesn't do it justice
but I just love how similar it is to the playroom fireplace
birthday presents don't get much better than this!
thanks, Cayle!

A night out with our big boy!

you chose our favorite "Meeting Place"
ordered your bacon beef burger and shirley-temple
devoured the cheeses, truffle honey, olives
we enjoyed having you all to ourselves
then on to the program where you were the model pupil
although we have many more years to call you all our own
I can see that we will miss these days soon

at the Classical Studies Center

Where were you?

I was on the couch in my pajamas, nursing the baby, putting a hibiscus in my B's hair, hoping my oldest would have some recollection of the moment... where were you when the first African American became president, dreams were realized and all of America was watching?

Out with the old, in with the new...

My new tennis shoes arrived from the UK today -
As French and lovely as I hoped they would be!
Aren't they perfect?
Just waiting for it to get warm now...

Monday, January 19, 2009

... and in the news

scroll down right hand side
play "Marching for MLK..."
little boy in hat and black vest at about :56 is mine!

Let Freedom Ring

Henry and me at the MLK Jr. March
(in the snow!)

Today, on the birthday of a man who new he could be used to change history, we are reminded that all people are created equal. How exciting it is for our children to be able to experience this truth firsthand.
“... So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.
Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.
Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.
Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado.
Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California.
But not only that; let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.
Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.
Let freedom ring from every hill and every molehill of Mississippi. From every mountainside, let freedom ring.
When we let freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual,
‘Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!’”
- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

knits for gifts

my dear friend knitted B and me some birthday gifts!
aren't they cute?
I think I'm going to start knitting again...
Thanks, Di!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Our lowly corner of the world finally has an H&M
OK so it is two hours away
but still...
no more begging anyone who goes to a big city to stock up!
I guess it's time to find a new store!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Officially A New Year

mikans on the table
omochi in the oven
a few new year's favorites
akemashite omedetoo
kotoshimo yoroshiku
in other words : I'm going to be a pain this year
thanks in advance for putting up with meText Color

Not A Vampire

he is not a vampire
he does not run fast
he needs a full night's sleep
he drinks water
he does not sparkle
but he dazzles me!

Party Dress

this was supposed to be my inspiration to eat well this week
then I made curry yesterday, sukiyaki today
and yakisoba is on the menu for tomorrow
lesson: do not go to the oriental food store the week before you
want to look smashing in your birthday party dress!
Happy Birthday to me!