Monday, November 9, 2009

the benefits of modern technology

my little guy has pneumonia
and a very concerned brother and sister
and a mom who was so glad
she just happened to stick the portable dvd player in her purse
when she went to the doctors today
hurray for modern technology


Scary Mommy said...

Ohhhh, noooooo!!!! Poor baby Henry. Keep me posted. xox

Loukia said...

I hope your little guy is on the road to recovery! My oldest son got a severe case of pneumonia last year when he was 3 years old... he ended up being hospitalized for 14 days... and even needed surgery to drain fluid from his lung... chest tube for 4 days, oxygen mask, the whole bit, needless to say, it was a nightmare... in most cases, IV antibiotics works, but in my son's case, he needed surgery, too.
I just wanted to say I know how scared and worried you must be. But know he will be AOKAY!