Saturday, March 7, 2009

The "Lellow" Deli

Bea's favorite place to eat is the Yellow Deli
it does have wonderful sandwiches and we have the best times with our friends there,
but it is run by a cult!

we pass it often on our way downtown
and she has yet to pronounce the "yellow" correctly
so as we passed it yet again yesterday, I asked her to work on the "Y in yellow"
after many "yell... ow. LELLOW!" tries the baby decided to step in
"Bea! Say YELLOW!"
I guess we all have our gifts.
His is articulation.
Hers? graciousness... she thought it was hilarious too!

1 comment:

Scary Mommy said...

Oh, I adore your children!! Lily STILL says lello. And I have yet to correct her!!!